Our Growing Girl

Shiloh is 18 Months Old

Weight: 23 lbs 8 oz 25-50%
Length: 32 1/2 inches long 50 - 75%
Head Circumference: 50.5 95%

Shiloh is now a year & a half man I can't believe she is growing so fast. It's hard to consider her a baby anymore. She talks ALL the time. She has a huge vocabulary now. Some of our favorite words are: No, Mine, Bye See {bye see ya for short}, Purple, Ap-pull {apple} & Bebe. She loves to learn new things, be outside, Yo Gabba Gabba, Purses are probably one of her favorite items right now aside from shoes, she adores her baby dolls & other kids. She recently has become more independent at the playground & now will go down the slide all by her self &a run & play carefree. She has a huge appetite & still would prefer fruit & veggies over sweets or unhealthy food any day. She is snuggler & loves her yellow & Zoe {blanket & stuffed puppy my dad & Mabel bought her. Her hair is getting long but is super curly so its hard to tell I love all her locks! Dr. H made us feel so comfortable & that is so nice. She also decided to prescribe her some medicine for her eczema since it is getting worse. Shiloh had only one shot this visit but we still had tears of sadness. She is also having some test done on her heart murmur since it is still there so that has us a little concerned but Dr. H said its nothing to worry about. The doctor was very impressed with Miss Shiloh & said she is doing wonderfully.

Shiloh is 15 Months Old

Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz 25-50%
Length: 31 inches long 50-75%
Head Circumference: 47.2 75-90%

Shiloh is growing up so fast it scares me. She talks all the time now. You say a word & she copies it. I say 1 she says 2 its so cute & makes it hard when she is misbehaving. She eats anything & isn't too picky. She is still not a big fan of red meat & she loves her veggies & fruits which makes us & her doctor very happy. She climbs anything she can, runs, dances, sings & her hand & eye coordination is amazing. Shiloh has become shy but once in a setting for a little while the monkey comes out. She loves to be silly & make all kinds of noises. Some of her new words are: Who's That; Uh O, Two, Bebe, yeah yeah, YAY, All Done & Thank You. Shiloh is such a beauty & her hair is getting so long. She is a lot of work these days but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Shiloh is One Year Old

She now weights 21 lbs and is 29 inches long.
She is in the 25- 50% for weight and 25-50% for height
Her head is in the 97% still & her nana says its cause she has a big brain cause she is so smart.

I can’t believe how fast she has grown. I feel like it was yesterday I was watching her move inside my tummy & getting excited for her arrival. Now she is walking.. almost running, talking, dancing up a storm & little miss independent. She loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba, Ni Hao Kai-lan and she absolutely loves Muse A Muse!! She is now eating solid foods & drinks out of a straw & sippy cup. We turned her car seat around now & getting her in it is no longer a tantrum. She loves looking out the window.

She loves french green beans still but we have found that she really likes banana’s & does not want baby food anymore, she is not a fan of read meats still but now that she is a year we can give her egg’s for protein. We also have her drinking whole milk which is nice on our pocket books LOL.

Shiloh is 9 Months Old

She now weights 20 lbs and is 28 1/2 inches long.
She is in the 75% for weight and 75% for height
Her head is in the 95% LOL

She is so advance. She can sit up, stand without holding on to anything, craw, clap as well as say it, she can also say dada, mama, hi as well as wave. Shiloh is very attentive and she loves to scream and laugh. She is not just a daddy’s girl but a mommy’s girl as well. She loves electronics anything that can light up. She also loves other kids and animals she is such a joy and such a happy girl.
She loves green beans and anything healthy, she is not a fan of meats and macaroni.. so I guess that is a good thing.

Shiloh is now 6 Months Old

She is getting so BIG:
She now weights 17 lbs 1 oz and is 26 1/4 inches long.
She is in the 74% for weight and 72% for height.

She now eats baby cereal and has the okay to start on baby food.. so far it has been fun!

The doctor said this will be the last round of shots until she is a year old.. thank goodness!

We also got her ears pierced.. not fun but well worth it. She can now sit up all by herself, she laughs, she loves music, she can kick and stand and loves her exersaucer, she now has two teeth and more on the way. She is very active and sleeps through the night now which makes mommy and daddy so happy!

Shiloh Rose is 4 Months Old

She is growing fast:
She now weighs 15 lbs 2 oz and is 25 inches long.
She is in the 95% for height and 92% for weight.

The doctor says she is healthy and happy. She had her shots and that was not so fun. But now she is allowed to get her ears pierced if I am brave enough!

Shiloh Rose is 2 
Months Old

She is growing into such a beauty:
She now weighs 10 lbs 13 oz and is 22 inches long.
She is in the 17% for height and 30% for weight.

She had her first set of shots and it was heart breaking. I cried right along with her. The doctor says she is doing wonderfully and is healthy as can be.

Shiloh Rose Is Here

September 19, 2008

Weight & Height
5 Ibs 14 oz

Time of Birth
2:23 a.m.

Shiloh Rose is a true blessing. I remember when she was first born we would just sit and stare at her for hours. She was amazing. We couldn’t believe we were so lucky to have this perfect angel. She is such a joy.. she can make any bad day the best day. Loving her is the most rewarding amazing feeling in the World!