1Took Stephen to work at 6:45 am because my Edge is in the shop.. & I am realizing I am still not a morning person & think I will never be one.
2Play date at the mall's play ground with B Boy. Shiloh loved all the kids after a few minutes of warming up but then decided she didn't want to leave & had a tantrum in front of everyone.. gotta love toddlers!
3Lunch at Wendy's again. (second day in a row) NO MORE fast food for a while I think I am gaining all me weight back that I just lost & that is no bueno!
4Had a nice nap with Shiloh.. since we started our day early today but now I feel lazy ugh.
5Now heading to Target & Toys R US before picking up Stephen to get my car, check out the Flex & the Edge Sport (just for fun & but showing excitment to my husband may convince him on buying a new one LOL yeah right) & go out to dinner some where yummy since we have a TON of options where we live now :-)
Fun Times. Hope Everyone has had or is having a wonderful Friday :-) Oh & Shiloh absolutely LOVES her new tutu.. that I of course left in the Edge yesterday :-( But she wants to wear it all the time.. so cute!!
{Ta Ta For Now}