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This is my 2nd week of FF & I have to say I LOVE it!
Here goes.. it's a long story:
The picture I am sharing this week was taken Christmas 1998.. this was rough month for me. I think about a week before Christmas I was in a horrible accident. I never used to were my seat belt.. I mean none of the cool kids did RIGHT? Well I learned a very hard lesson this year. I was dating a boy who begged me to drive my car, mind you he didn't have a license.. I was the type of girlfriend & person who never wanted to upset anyone so I always gave in weather I wanted to or not.. but this was one of those times were I should not have & I should have listen to my gut feeling.. but of course being 17 & in puppy love I thought why not we are just going a couple of blocks away. Well not even 2 blocks away he went through the light hitting another car head on & I in return went through the windshield because I was not wearing my seat belt & well my boyfriend & I were in a panic & he told me we had to switch seats before the cops arrived & me being seriously injured & in shock went with it.. him telling me I would be in serious trouble didn't help either. But again me being the nieve nice girl agreed.
Now all this sounds horrible & yes it was a very traumatic experience for me & for every one involved.. but I think the person who was scared to death the most was my sister. You see she was driving down the same street.. the street they had to close down for hours because of our accident.. & well she saw my car & had her boyfriend pull over.. she told the police that it was my car & he said that all he could tell her was all parties went to Winter Park Hospital. So of course my poor sister seeing my car demolished & that they had to use the jaws of life to get me out, imagined the worst. Once she arrived to the hospital {I was still in shock & it is still all a blur to me} she came in my room & saw that my face was half gone & freaked out "OMG Missy are you okay?".. my reaction "Sorry about your shirt". I was wearing her boyfriends shirt & it was covered in blood. After a getting most the glass out of my head, eyes, hair & odd places.. scans & test I was released to my aunt. My parents were at a Christmas Party & didn't find out till later what had happened.
The worst part of this story is that I lied to everyone.. I kept up the story that I was driving for years.. I think until I was 21 or something.. I was terrified of how disappointed my family would be in me & I was scared that I would be in BIG trouble. Once I told them it was a huge relief & my mom said that she new deep down that I wasn't driving.. I hated lying to her.. it was a very depressing thing for me.
So I learned a lot of lessons in this: A: Do not let anyone drive your car, B: Don't lie because it is the worst feeling in the world & C: ALWAYS wear your seat belt. My mom always has told me that accidents happen within 20 miles of the home.. & man was she right. So here is the picture of my lovely face on Christmas.. its a good reminder to me of how grateful I am that I am here today & that nothing worse happened.
It is something that I am going to share with my kids & others, because most people always think that it won't happen to them.. but it could. My face is normal now for the most part.. I do have a scars that like to come out when I get sun on my face but over the years it has faded. I have nerve damage in my right eye so my eye doesn't open as much as my left & shards of glass got into my eyes so it has caused some damage with my sight as well. They thought I was going to need plastic surgery but I just caked on the Vitamin E & made sure to stay out of the sun for the most part. The scar's are a constant reminder to me of hard lessons learned. The worst parts were going to Reno to visit my Dad for New Years & having a mom point out to her kids that I was a prefect example as to what happens when you don't were your seat belt. {I get why she did it but she humiliated me} Then the biggest let down was returning home to find my boyfriend the one who was driving my car.. was cheating on me.. so yes it was a rough time for me but it all made me so much stronger as a person & I thank my lucky stars for sure!