So I missed last week because we were at my in laws still from Easter.. sorry about that.
But this week well let me share..
For Easter my sister in law "Laura a.k.a Lo" made the kids Easter Baskets this year. {We take turns} Well as they were all going through their baskets I noticed Shiloh was having a melt down so it was
Not Me who had to capture her in her moment of melting down.. it is also
Not Me who has fallen in love with the picture & wants to actually frame it & put it up in my house.. I mean what mom takes a picture of their child throwing a fit & wants to share it with the world..
Not This Mom:
Shiloh is a sneaky little bugger these days.. she knows that having candy in the house is rare.. she knows that mama {me} always throws it out after a couple of days because if not she {me} will eat it all. So she was on the hunt this week.. anytime she found an egg {which we for some reason have them ALL over our house} she opens it & stuffs her mouth full of jelly beans or what ever candy is in it super fast before I can get it. Yeah that is my 18 month old. But it was
Not Me who new she was up to no good & allowed it anyways.. nope I didn't sit there & take these pictures of her stuffing her face full of jelly beans.. I mean what mom allows her baby to eat candy??
Nope Not I!!
Shiloh has been taking late naps lately.. she hasn't been sleeping well because if you read my post from yesterday {
She Will ALWAYS Be My Baby Girl} you will see what our sleeping issues are. But the other day it was
Not Me who had to take another cute picture of my grumpy girl when she had awoken from her nap before she wanted to. I mean first of all I would never allow my child to take a nap after 3 PM or sleep till after 5 PM.. & then wake her child up because its dinner time.. No Way I am not that mean of a mommy!!
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