On a drive we were taking on Sunday, Stephen & I got to talking about Baby Flores #2 & I have come to the conclusion that I may be further a long then we thought & here is why:
Back in March I started to get super tired, crazy & not so crazy cravings, peeing very often way more then normal, putting on a little extra weight, nauseous & more recently dizzy. In April right around the time my menstrual cycle was due I started spotting I thought humm this is odd.. the second day it was a little heavier but not by much & then by day four it was almost gone & that is when I started the fertility & then on day five it was gone.. I thought it was due to the fertility but now I am thinking it was implantation bleeding. If that be the case that would put me at 11 weeks prego.. which is crazy to me because the nauseousness didn't last very long & I actually feel pretty good and the only thing that reminds me that I am prego are constantly being super tired, cravings , extremely sore tatas & the bump that is visible. So if I am not that far along then there is a really good possibility it is twins since I am already pooping out.
As of now the pregnancy has been treating me well. I can actually take my prenatal vitamins & not get sick.. with Shiloh I had to switch to Flintstone Gummies & I could not keep a thing down except fruits, veggies & McDonald's. With this little Turkey I am able to eat EVERYTHING & I am loving it! I am having a hard time getting comfy & the closterfobic feeling has begun as well so I thinking because of that I am even more tired. I am still having dizzy spells from time to time & that is not fun but manageable now. But other then that I feel great.. I have the normal changes going on that come with pregnancy but nothing I can't handle. So its pretty nice.
I have my first Ultra Sound on June 9th so at that point we can see if there are two viable sacks or just one.. & if I am as far along as I think we are I may even find out the sex at that point too. I do however plan on calling the doctor tomorrow to see if I should come in sooner because I have to make sure to get the RhoGam shot because I am RH negative & I can't miss that.
We are still over joyed with excitement & feel so blessed to have this new life we have created growing in my belly. We are practicing names with Shiloh & getting her ready to be a big sister. I feel like a million pounds have been lifted off my shoulders & I no longer have to stress about having at least one more baby.. because our wish has come true.
3 days ago