I ❤ that I am not feeling dizzy today.. just tired.
I ❤ that even though Shiloh was up at 6:30am she fell back asleep with me until 8am.
I ❤ my husband for putting up with my mood swings lately {love you babe}
I ❤ that my bestie Lorri is having me in her wedding.. I can't wait to share in her day & for her to finally be a Mrs.
I ❤ that we are going on vacation soon & that it will just be the 3 of us!
I ❤ Mary Kay & all the people I have met so far.
I ❤ my new blog design & that I FINALLY made one I want to keep for awhile!
I ❤ my new Like page on FB is growing full of people that like my blog!
I ❤ forgiveness & reuniting with old friends.