Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby Name Help

So I know its early on in my pregnancy {or maybe not will know more June 9th} but Stephen & I are going through names. We have a ton of names but now that the baby is on their way now we are trying to seal the name in stone :-) We are still unsure if we are having a girl or boy or maybe even twins.. so we want to hear some of the names other people love.

Now this is going to be harder then you think. We named our Daughter Shiloh Rose Flores which means:
Shiloh: His Gift
Rose: From the Cherryblossom
Flores: Flowers

So this baby has to match up with that. The name has to have a good meaning & be unique.. nothing dark or that means park or tree bark LOL. We need it to flow as well & it can't be a name that is too powerful.. we don't want them to carry the weight of a big name. So here are the names we have so far:

 Our Boy names:
  1.  Brennen- Prince
  2. Dominic- Lord
  3. Gabriel- God is my strength
  4. Austin- Helpful
  5. Christian- follower of Christ
  6. Isaiah- God is salvation
Our Girl names:
  1. Adalyn- Noble kind
  2. Jocelyn- Joyous
  3. Makayla- Who resembles God
  4. Gabriella- Devoted to God
  5. Brynlee- Radiant
  6. Zooey- Life
  7. Phoebe- Bright radiant
The middle name for a boy would be Matthew & Girl would be Elaine or Nicole {depending on the name we choose}.

If we have twins here are the names we have for them:

Boy Twins:
  1. Austin & Alexander
  2. Brennen & Blake
None of these names are sticking like we want though

Girl Twins:
  1. Adalyn & Jocelyn
  2. Phoebe & Zooey
  3. Phoebe & Payton
We love all these one but don't know which to choose

Boy & Girl Twins:
  1. Adalyn & Austin
  2. Jocelyn & Jacob
  3. Brennen & Brynlee
So here they are.. tell us what you think & give us your suggestions :-)