Monday, May 17, 2010

Growing Belly

So as you all have heard we are FINALLY pregnant!! YAY after a year & A half of trying, tears, fear, fertility & frustration our prayers have been answered. We are still so excited & over joyed with this news & we can't wait to meet this new bean!

I have to tell you though I am a little lost when it comes to figuring out how far a long I am & its driving me a bit crazy!!! With Shiloh my doctor told me right away that I was barely 4 weeks with her when I had my blood test. But with this one they haven't told me & I don't have my first ultra sound until June 9th. For me that feels like forever away!!

Since March I have had a feeling I was pregnant.. you sometimes you just know. But I swear I took about 4 or 5 HPT & they were all negative! So I was like man it must just be me wanted it so bad now that I am just thinking I am. Then in April I had a visit from Auntie Flow, but now I am thinking it was not her visiting at all. Maybe I am actually further a long then we thought.. instead of 6 weeks along I could be 12 weeks along. I know that is a big jump but my cycle is very weird.

I just feel like I am really big for only being 6 weeks. I know they say with your second you show a lot sooner.. but I already have a bump & its not one I can really hide anymore! I mean maybe its twins but even then am I already suppose to be showing? I just want to know LOL

Here is the BIG BELLY

I am one of those people that while pregnant I am very organized, I have everything planned out & set within the first trimester & I am crazy with anxiety!! So this not knowing if I am due in November or January is killing me. Also not knowing if it is twins is as well.. I am so not good at having patients when it comes to baby LOL I wanna know now I don't want to wait & when it comes to the sex I wish you knew right away because it seems to take for ever to get to the 18th week to know!

Other then me feeling huge, I am actually feeling really good. I am still adjusting to being tired all the time but other then that no sickness or feeling nauseous {unless in the car} since March & the dizziness only appears when I need to eat or fluids. Eating & smells aren't an issue with this pregnancy either.. I want to eat EVERYTHING & I do LOL! With Shiloh I was only able to eat fruit, veggies & cheese burgers from McDonald's & if Stephen was going to cook I had to have him open all the windows & I had to shut myself in our room. I am using the bathroom a LOT & that gets frustrating at night because already I am having a hard time sleeping & getting comfy so it seems like once I am comfy I have to run to the bathroom. Emotionally I feel good, I am super sensitive though & I have purposely been avoiding anyone who is negative because I don't want to have any stress in this pregnancy like I did with Shiloh. I find that watching anything that is the least bit sad brings me to tears & even balling like a baby LOL & I am back & forth on certain things that I normally wouldn't be that way with. My tata's don't seem bigger just full & they are finally not hurting anymore.. well not like they were.

So with this pregnancy we are off to a good start.. I can't wait for June 9th to find out how far a long I am & if there is one or two beans in the belly. I think we are set on our names & we are already making a list of things we are going to need when baby comes!

I will try & post as often as I can with this pregnancy so I have a journal to reflect on later & so all of you can hear about my progress.. so stay tuned for more Baby Flores News to come!