Saturday, April 17, 2010

SOOC Saturday ~ The Straight Out of Camera Image

Slurping Life

Follow along each Saturday with Straight Out Of Camera started by Slurping Life
What it is you take a photo  straight out of the camera No Editing allowed. 
Then head over to Slurping Life & link up.

This is Shiloh on mornings that we don't have to be up early. This is Shiloh in her NEW IKEA chair that she loves.. while at the cardiologist a few weeks back they had this same chair.. she loved it. So being the spoiled princess she is.. Daddy wanted to buy it for her.. okay I did as well. This is Shiloh with her Milky, her Kylie's {all her babies are named Kylie like her cousin} & yes those are Shiloh's Trix Cereal ALL over my living room floor. Every time I give her cereal this is what she does.. but I still continue to give it to her.. she eventually either picks them all up putting them back in her bowl or she eats them.. then later in the day I vacuum to get the crumbs..

So this is My Shiloh on a regular morning doing her regular routine of being my messy sweet loving girl❤